It’s the final countdown...well not really in a “this is the end” final countdown sort of way. It is more of a “holy mother of god, finally this the moment has arrived” countdown. So, to clear up the confusion, I’ll call it the finally countdown.
So all this countdown talk must get you asking, “Well, what is this Cyrus fellow you are about to follow counting down to exactly?” Excellent question!
Today at work I saw a 6 foot 10 inch man and spoke to him. The whole situation made me laugh and by no way, shape, or form am I a racist, or hold judgment on any race but…he was asian! Ok, glad we got that tangent out of the way.
COUNTDOWN TO EUROPE! That’s what has almost finally arrived. Who’s departing July 1st, 2010? This guy.
London, Amsterdam, Paris, back to Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Munich, Berlin, back to London and then America in that order! 36 days, 35 nights carrying only what a backpack can hold and my friend Sean “Colt” Kinlock.
How excited am I you ask? So excited I started a blog. So excited I’m actually taking the time write about a trip that has not happened yet. So stoked that, until you read this blog post, I’m talking to myself about this trip. That’s how excited I am and guess what…you get to come along with me.
A little creative writing: Charged with an electric beat, his foot kicked the floor in a subtle, rhythmic motion. “Tap, tap, tap,” said the floor.
Thank you and good night!